NorthFork Dexters
Registered Irish Dexter Cattle
Owned and operated by Warren & Cheri Moore
Our mission at NorthFork Dexters, NFD, is to continually improve and develop quality bred cows that are sound, and striving to meet the standard and conformation of the purebred Irish Dexter cattle breed and meeting the needs of our customers. We breed our cattle to fulfill the dual purpose needs for the small acreage homestead. NFD produces cattle for a natural source of quality milk and grass fed beef necessary to sustain a family.
We strive to breed our Irish Dexter cattle to have excellent dispositions for easy handling and to be excellent mothers, calving with ease and having good, balanced udders. They are hardy, adaptable and long lived. NFD cows should range 36 to 42 inches tall and weigh less than 750 lbs. Bulls should stand 38 to 44 inches and weigh around 1000 lbs. With their small size they require less feed and are easier on fences making them less expensive to maintain than larger breeds of cattle.
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